Craft Days Västra Götaland 2 – 5 maj 2024

…20.00 Vernissage • Torsdag 2 maj 15.00 – 15.30 Titel • Semblance. Makers and their tools Typ • Utställning Medverkande • Alberto Scodro, Alice Kettle, Bianca Bonaldi, Christina Schou Christensen,…

Examinations for the HDK-Valand Campus Steneby MA Program in Applied Art and Design

…about Anna and Folkform:, their recent collaboration with Svenskt Tenn, where they have a major exhibition now: and their The Scandinavian Design Award for 2023 recipients:  …


…Wifi, du kan surfa gratis i hela huset. Sök i vår Bibliotekskatalog BIBLIOTEK DALSLAND. En gemensam bibliotekskatalog för alla bibliotek i Dalsland inklusive Steneby. Även strömmande filmer, e-böcker och ljudböcker….

Careers Conference 22 februari 2024

Welcome to Careers Conference – for students, alumni, and creative practitioners. The conference will offer you inspiration for and examples of different career paths you can pursue after your education….

Open House February 4 th and 5 th – 2022

…the Stenebyskolan School of Art and Cultural Education, as well as YH programs and HDK-Valand Academy of Art and Design, University of Gothenburg with education at basic and advanced level….

Öppet hus 2-3 februari 2024

and design since 1934   OPEN HOUSE for future students, teachers, study and career counselors. Welcome Steneby School, and HDK Valand Campus Steneby meet our teachers and students at the…

Focal Point – onlineutställning

…are seeing craft come into its own. It offers a place to find time, to focus, to practice, and for makers to ‘upskill’. It is a solace. But in a…

Steneby KICK-IN

…Bruk and Not Quite ( where we will experience the food and culture festival GLUPSK ( The bus leaves from the Union house across the road from the library. At…

SRHR bussen kommer till Steneby 21 november

…whether you want to have children, with whom and how many children you want to have. Your right to love whoever you want. And to be who you are.…

To Perform Body 30 mars 2023

…the body and the body to material? How do we understand materiality of materials today? This year’s seminar To Perform Body explores craft in relation to materiality from political, historical,…

Open Call – Steneby Konsthall

…PDF, not exceeding 5MB, by Midnight 24th March to -Your name and contact details -Title, year, size and dimensions of the work -Up to three images of the actual…

Examination Textil – Kropp – Rum – HDK

…Examinations are open. Language Swedish. A total of 40 minutes per student. The student has 10 minutes for his presentation, 15 minutes for questions from the main opponent, 5-10 minutes…

Antagningsomgången för Stenebyskolan läsåret 2024-2025 är nu stängd- antagning för läsåret 2025-2026 öppnar 1 februari 2025