A presentation of the artistic practices of Hållams Linnea Henriksson, and Erik Torstensson, the two new lecturers on HDK-Valand Campus Steneby’s Textil-Kropp-Rum programme. Henriksson’s sculptures and embroideries investigate the remnants of daily life, and Erik summarizes his artistic work with the words repetition and resolution. This lecture will also see them consider how their work is inspired by daily surroundings and different forms of textile archives.
In Hållams Linnes Henrikssons work, materials from our surroundings are combined with textiles. In her stitched works, sculpture and embroideries, the remnants of daily life are investigated. Interested in the unwanted and what we leave behind, she sews pieces where a piece of trash, or a mark on the ground become the basis for how she navigates a work. Linnea is based in Stockholm and educated at Konstfack and The University for Design and Craft in Gothenburg.
For Erik Torstensson, textiles are change. We dress up and become someone else. We dress up our rooms and everything changes. In the textile room, Erik’s own voice sounds different, his heartbeat sounds different. He can say what he couldn’t before. Erik summarises his artistic work with the words repetition and rupture, he is educated at HDK-Valand in Gothenburg.

Foto: Hållams Linnea Henriksson av Alexis Rodríguez Cancino