Öppen föreläsning 19/10: Linda Shamma

…NatFak/Conservation i Göteborg. Open lecture in English at Steneby Samlingssal at 7pm. How do we relate to identities that do not seem to fall into the usual norms and how…

Yrkeshögskoleutbildningar på Stenebyskolan

Här finner du samlad information om Stenebyskolans Yrkeshögskoleutbildningar Stenebyskolan erbjuder två yrkeshögskoleutbildningar , som båda är tvååriga. Samt ett påbyggandsår mot gesäll eller yrkesspecialitet. Finsnickeri / Möbelrestaurering, 400 p Möbeltapetsering,…

Online – Öppet Hus HDK Valand

open house. BFA Metal Art Topic: 11:00 and 14:00 Session Open House Metal Art Time: Nov 20, 2020 11:00 AM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Link to Open House –…

Maja Hammarén: The dilemma of participation

…projects and politics, ethics and practialities around this. Maja Hammarén works as artist, curator and educator in arts. She formed and runs art platform Konstarbete KAS which tries to organize…

Andrew Hayes

…story. I take my sensory appreciation for the book as a material and employ the use of metal to create a new form, and hopefully a new story.   Andrew…

Soft Wood – Emma Dahlqvist

…years. In the densely forested areas around Scandinavia and Russia birch bark was for a long time one of the most commonly used materials in everyday objects thanks to it’s…

Let’s Talk! with Sky Cubacub

Cultural norms don’t encourage trans and disabled people to dress stylishly or loudly. Society wants us to “blend in” and not draw attention to ourselves. But what if we were…

Open Lecture: Jennie McMillen

…is also a guest teacher at Steneby. Come listen to her talk about her artistic practise, embroidery and worldmaking. Open lecture in English. Steneby Samlingssal Wednesday 11/11 2015 at 7pm…

Jenny Nordberg: Slow, Fast – Industry to Craft

…Her work is exploratory and trans-boundary and can have outcomes that varies from experimental and conceptual to commercial. Jenny Nordberg mainly works with assignments and questions concerning production and consumption….

Let’s Talk: Petra Hultman

…diligent handicraft and carpentry of her grandmother Mary and grandfather Hilding in relation to her own artistic work form the basis for an investigation of the relationship between work, time…

Open lecture: Sara Szyber

…professorstjänsten på Möbeldesign inriktning Trä. Föreläsningen hålls på engelska. The candidates for the position as professor at Wood Oriented Furniture Design gives open trial lectures. The lecture is in English….

Open lecture: Torsten Hild

Den andra av två provföreläsningar med kandidater till professorstjänsten på Möbeldesign inriktning Trä. Föreläsningen hålls på engelska. The candidates for the position as professor at Wood Oriented Furniture Design gives…

Antagningsomgången för Stenebyskolan läsåret 2024-2025 är nu stängd- antagning för läsåret 2025-2026 öppnar 1 februari 2025