HAMN undersöker människors relation till platser. Vad behöver finnas i ett samhälle förutom skydd och service? Vad är det som gör att man fäster sig vid platser i det offentliga rummet och kallar det för ”hemma”?
Gothenburg is a city in flux. The next number of decades will see huge redevelopment throughout the city. Historically, The old industrial port of Frihamnen was a busy harbour, importing bananas into Sweden for more than a century. Left mostly unused for decades, the new redevelopment will include much needed housing, stores, offices, green space and schools. The students involved in this project have through space analysis and mapping methods gained knowledge and insights into the history and common heritage of Frihamnen. Through their projects, the students highlight the hidden values of Frihamnen and have given them physical form…
Läs om projektet på HDKs webbsida.